
Healing is as effective as the healer is healed.

Healing is as effective as the Healer is  Healed. The untimely death of the actor Sushant Singh Rajput, has the whole nation gripped in shock and sadness.  It has raised a few questions in my mind? This is not the first time anyone has committed suicide but what drives them to this extreme step of giving up on themselves, their families, their loved ones. Why does someone commit suicide? Why does one feel so  helpless that they feel there is no way out? Why do people give up ?  What can we as individuals do to help ourselves and our loved ones family, friends,colleagues to cope &  survive despite what they  are going through in their lives. Not everyone is born with a mighty will.  Most people need help .  It could be a small thing as just being heard .  Just being there . First we need to heal ourselves of our sorrow, pain, anger, fear, trauma we carry within us.    When we work on ourselves we can help the other.  But if we are caught up in our own misery we can seldom


WE ARE TH ENERGY WE CARRY.   Energy is everywhere and in everything.  Energy affects us.  Since the time we are born,  who  we are is determined by the experiences we have and how we  perceive these experiences.   The emotions we hold or carry about the experience affect our being both positively and negatively. Energy is movement .. When we have a Positive emotion  the  energies magnify, they become radiant, they align with our core being.and vibrate at higher frequencies.   When we have a negative emotion  our energies become dull, they shrink and disconnect from our being and vibrate at lower frequencies. Our emotions are key  to understanding  the energy we carry.  Emotions are the language of our being.  The feelings or emotions we predominantly carry becomes ones energy. Holding on to negative emotions is toxic to our being. Negative emotions like anger, worry, fear, hatred, disappointment ,guilt, shame, greed, embarrassment, pride, cruelty, ignorance  creates illness


To Thy Own Self Be True . Being true to yourself means honouring yourself , the divinity within you which brings out the best in you  allowing you to contribute to your  growth . When we reflect and evaluate our experiences we connect with our deepest self  which guides us to live in happiness, joy and harmony within  and all around us.  Asking yourself , if what you  do or experience brings you peace , makes  you  happy, contributes  to your  growth and reflects in your relationships then you are being true to yourself. We live in a society where one is conditioned to Fit In .  Conditioned to ignore our needs, conditioned to first do things for the others, conditioned to be quiet, conditioned to tolerate things even if one has been hurt, conditioned to put up with people who hurt you, humiliate you, belittle you, ignore you.  When we are true to our own needs , honest with ourselves we become aware of our strengths.  We no longer need to carry the burden of other peoples we

Rediscovering Yourself through Bach Flower Remedies

Rediscovering Yourself  through Bach  Flower Remedies The thought of writing this blog came to me  in answer to my question What does it means to be in a relationship ?  Relationship could be with your spouse or partner, with a friend, with a parent, with a relative , with your child or simply with yourself. Any  relationship  which  brings out the Best in us, pulls us up, allows us to be ourselves ,  opens up avenues to explore our potential, helps us  grow as an individual and  bring   joy to our lives is a healthy relationship .  The relationship works as a catalyst that helps connect us to our higher self and  live our   lives with awareness and purpose. On the contrary , when  one is in a relationship where  they are no longer themselves, they loose their confidence, loose their identity, and  compromise themselves,  such a relationship is detrimental to ones's growth.  When  one gets used to being abused, neglected or taken for granted it removes joy from our lives

You Yourself Can Heal Yourself - Dr. Edward Bach

You Yourself Can Heal Yourself In a lecture given by Dr Edward Bach in  Wallingford on 24th September 1936, his first words were "You Yourself can Heal Yourself. " This statement is often taken lightly by a person  who has come into therapy believing that the Therapist or healer will cure him or her. But  the words "You Yourself can Heal Yourself "  are  the profound TRUTH.  All healing starts from within .  We have the power to heal ourselves.  The client plays an important role in his or her own healing process .  The Therapist or healer is only a facilitator who through their expertise in a particular therapy guide the client  in their  healing process.  All therapies are the tools which assist us in our healing. Bach Flower Remedies help our body restore the natural healing process by bringing about a balance in the energies through the flowers energies that resonate with the specific emotions .   The  process of healing is subtle and brings about inne

Beliefs, feelings and behaviour.

Beliefs , Feelings and Behaviour. All humans  are governed by a  belief system that forms the bases of their emotions which leads to their behaviour.   As we grow we carry these beliefs consciously or unconsciously throughout our lives gradually unfolding  our character or personality. As children we see, hear, absorb and accept everything that is told to us by our parents or adults who are around us.  We therefore do not have the ability to comprehend or question the adults  because our survival depends on them.  In the process we  grow up with certain beliefs which may have a negative impact and create  blocks in our lives , preventing  us to use our potential to the fullest in an  optimum manner, by  using all the resources available to us to achieve our goals. Example:- Many a times children are told to finish their food on the plate.  The child grows up with the belief that even if he is full , he has to finish the food and therefore overeats  and  feels  guilty  of wasti

Bach Flower Remedy a therapeutic tool for ALL.

Therapy is a term which is widely misunderstood.  Most people believe that therapy is needed only when one is sick  or when there is a problem in ones life.   Any activity that brings peace and happiness is Therapy.  All of us in our daily lives  engage in  therapy.  For example,  listening to music which brings us joy is therapy, watching a movie which moves us is therapy, being in nature is therapy, spending time with people whose company we  love and enjoy is therapy. Pursuing a hobby we enjoy is therapy and many other avenues we choose to   explore that brings us peace and harmony is therapy.  These  are  tools that help us cope with the day to day adversities by promoting a sense of wellbeing. All of us face and deal with  challenges in our lives, as a result we either tend to  succumb to the  challenges or exhaust our energies in pursuit of achieving our goals.  The challenge therefore is to  be in the state of balance and equilibrium at all times so as to enable us to  deal