To Thy Own Self Be True .

Being true to yourself means honouring yourself , the divinity within you which brings out the best in you  allowing you to contribute to your  growth .

When we reflect and evaluate our experiences we connect with our deepest self  which guides us to live in happiness, joy and harmony within  and all around us.

 Asking yourself , if what you  do or experience brings you peace , makes  you  happy, contributes  to your  growth and reflects in your relationships then you are being true to yourself.

We live in a society where one is conditioned to Fit In .  Conditioned to ignore our needs, conditioned to first do things for the others, conditioned to be quiet, conditioned to tolerate things even if one has been hurt, conditioned to put up with people who hurt you, humiliate you, belittle you, ignore you.  When we are true to our own needs , honest with ourselves we become aware of our strengths.  We no longer need to carry the burden of other peoples weakness.  Blame ouselves and be responsible for their weakness.

People in abusive relationships  physically and emotionally often believe that it is ok to be abused.  Ok to be ignored, ok be disrespected, ok to be humiliated , ok to be hurt, for  the sake of maintaining the peace and harmony in the relationship.  They spend their life doing things for others who do not   value or respect them.  Only to realise much later , if only they had stood up for themselves,  respected themselves and drawn  their boundaries things could be different .

Being true to yourself is living with dignity, integrity, respect, love, peace and harmony with oneself.  When we  know , experience and reflect this in our life  we attract people and situations that would mirror these experiences.

This post is dedicated to  my husband and my daughter who by their sheer presence  unlocked the key to my happiness and growth - TO THY OWN SELF BE TRUE.

Marrgalit Ramakryshnan Chordekar- BFRP


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